Friday, 17 January 2014

Friday 17th January: Binge Watching

Binge watching tv shows is a recently named phenomenon that has been around since the invention of online tv show sharing. It involves a person finding, and then devouring an entire series of a particular show, usually in a short amount of time, and almost always one after the other. 

I have fallen victim to binge watching episodes many a time, including an entire four seasons of Community in a long weekend, Game Of Thrones series one, 90210 seasons one and two and Brooklyn Nine Nine. I don't necessarily see a problem with binge watching, apart from strained eyes from staring at a computer screen for hours, or the fact that it is the ultimate procrastination tool: because once you watch one, you have to finish the season.  But if you happen to have a couple of spare days, binge watching tv can be the best thing that will ever happen to you. 

Remember, binge watching only gets the best of us. 

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